Monday, September 22, 2008

Sayings from Charlie Ragus and 1995 postings from Vitamins for the Mind

Before we can ever begin to enjoy the promise of the future, we must find a way to put aside the burdens of the past." "You must put debt behind you before you can discover the magic that resides within you, and before you can capture the fortune that lies ahead of you." "For things to change, you are going to have to change, otherwise things are going to be about like they've always been." "By age 30, not only have most people failed to achieve their dreams of earlier years, they cannot even remember what those dreams were." "To escape debt, you must learn to take a new interest in interest, for we are either paying interest to someone else, or we are earning it for ourselves. The difference is that those who are on the road to wealth earn interest, while those who are struggling under the burden of debt are paying it." "Being the best we can is not a choice, it is a responsibility imposed upon us by virtue of the fact that we are free. There are no limits placed upon us here, other than those we impose upon ourselves." Those ideas are as valid today as they were in 1995. Many of those who heard them back then today are either debt free or well on their way, and have a new mindset about money.

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